I accept The Bookfangirling Award

  book-fangirling-blog-award11I love an award. I always hope to take the time to thank the person who nominated me, and then nominate others in my community, so we can all celebrate each other. I’ve not been able to post on any of the awards this past year. So I’m starting afresh with this fun award for serious book lovers, this one is from someone who has nominated me many times – she has a wonderful blog. Thank you ajoobacats -I love being able to pay it forward…

Here are the rules..

Create a post to accept your award

Add the blog award button into your post ( save the picture to your computer and upload it) also add it to your blog as a widget.

Answer the questions asked below

Nominate between 5-10 book bloggers who you think deserve this award


Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees

Ajoobacats Questions

1. Where do you get inspired most to choose books to read? 

My bookshelf is the first source of inspiration. Mostly because I still have many to-read books, and I check in on the authors I’ve loved, to see if they’ve released something new. I also have many friends who are bookworms like me and we blog or discuss on Goodreads.

2. Have you ever had a crush on an author? Who?

I can’t really think of a crush. I would’ve however loved meeting Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and in another time, poet Pablo Neruda.

3. Is there a genre you would like to get into but just haven’t yet?

Yes. Crime, murder and psychological thrillers. Apart from Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle and my latest Robert Galbraith, I’ve not ventured into the genre as much as I’ve wanted to.

4. Which book do you fangirl over the most?

Persuasion. Hands down. Every time I read it, I interpret it a little differently. I love Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre and Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series, so if I had to fangirl over more than one, I would pick at least four.

5. What do you enjoy most about book blogging?

I love books. I can talk about a book and discuss its virtues in my sleep if I had to. I’m working on a children’s novel and my characters are all over the place at the moment, so it gives me absolute joy to hone my craft, to write about other characters that stuck with me, the words that pulled me in and kept me wanting more, sometimes I learn what I didn’t like and get to blog about that. It is the freedom and space to discuss everything book related with a book loving community.

Here are my nominees:

I return to their blogs over and over again because I love reading what they have to say. There is absolutely no pressure to accept, it is all in the spirit of what books mean to each of us. If you do choose to accept, I would love a note so I can enjoy reading your responses.

  1. Magini-books
  2. The Coffeeholic Bookworm
  3. My Bookjacket
  4. genurosa
  5. For the love of books

My Questions

  1. If you are writing a book, would you allow your characters to live with you and tell you about themselves, or would they call out to you randomly, so you can nurture their direction?
  2. Which author/s have grabbed your heart and mind so fast that you’ve slipped into their story unbeknownst to yourself?
  3. What is your favorite place to read?
  4. What is your least favorite genre and why?
  5. In terms of characters… are you drawn to quirky and eclectic or steadfast and heroic? Name a favorite.


  1. genusrosa says:

    This is quite an honor–thank you! I am clearly in some splendid company here, as I just checked out the other blogs. Lots…lots of reading to do! Which is why book blogs are so endlessly fascinating. I definitely am more old school in my reading choices, and that is why I am extra humbled and appreciative at your choice. Thank you again. I’m on a brief (very brief I hope) blog hiatus, so I won’t be responding to this immediately, just wanted to get this thank you off. I have quite a few new/old books winging their way to me right now…(I’m almost salivating just thinking about it!)…and of course the usual old lovelies of my library waiting in the wings to be drawn in to the discussion again. So more blog posts coming to genusrosa. Your own blog is pretty wonderful, too–you certainly deserve this award!


    1. I took time to post because I wanted to think about my answers and take time to enjoy the award. When you are rested and read, I will look forward to your replies. There is nothing like visiting old favorites and waiting for new ones to come to you. I am getting two new books today.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. genusrosa says:

        Forgot to mention that Persuasion is one of my favorites, as well; it is on my bedside table right now–again–because every time I read it I pull something new out of it.


  2. Congratulations, MM. Well deserved. I always enjoy your book reviews, and I particularly like your choice in mysteries and Austen. Good ones!


    1. Thank you Monica, I’ve let so many go, I decided it was a great way to start the year. Although I am sad we began this year with the losses of David Bowie and Alan Rickman.


  3. Thank you very much for the nomination 😀


  4. I am trying so hard to carve out more time for books. I miss them.


    1. There are times when I don’t read because life is just so busy, Colleen.. I feel so lost without a book, now it is at least a page before bed.


      1. That’s what I’m doing! Books are now on the bed and I read almost every night. At least for the past week. Though I do wish I read more.


      2. I love it, I have at least three, I never get to all of them, but I love having them for company.


      3. The company of books, I get that. If I am ever with people talking of their home’s ‘decor’ I always say mine is books.


  5. Congrats! Well Deserved, sweets. x


    1. Thank you my lovely.xx


  6. San says:

    Congrats , there is no one i know that loves books as much as you do! How exciting !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is such a fun award to get


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