Harry Potter and the Cursed Child By J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany and Jack Thorne – A review ( no spoilers)

It arrived a week ago. The Cursed Child, the book with its magical properties. The one that was much awaited, about the boy who lived and the man who now struggles with that label. We got home from two hours of allergy testing, milk shakes and comic book shopping and watched it lie in my…

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The Golem and the Jinni by Helene Wecker – A review

This début novel by Helene Wecker is one you seek when you want an intellectual challenge. When you have questions about existentialism. When you wish for a novel so extraordinary, It falls into your hands on an ordinary sort of day. It is that one book you hope to find in a small mysterious book store,…

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Book Review: The Book of Life by Deborah Harkness

I had imagined numerous ways ‘The Book of Life’ – Part III in the All Souls Trilogy- might end. So much so that I had this sudden urge to check if I had developed magical abilities. If I could have summoned the book into my hands, I would have done it. Two seconds of a…

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Book Review:The House at the End of Hope Street By Menna van Praag

    With her intriguingly beautiful name, Menna van Praag invited me in. She opened the door to The House at the End of Hope Street. “at night the house looks like a Victorian orphanage housing a hundred despairing souls, but when the clouds part and it is lit by moonlight, the house appears enchanted. As…

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Book Review: Shadow of Night By Deborah Harkness

 When I first met Diana Bishop, I wasn’t impressed. Other than being a renowned historian, with blue light emanating from her fingertips at really odd times, I didn’t find her particularly exciting. You know how some characters have charisma? they invite you in with their charm and befriend you, so much so, that you want…

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Book Review : A Discovery Of Witches By Deborah Harkness

This book caused a tiny bit of excitement when I laid my hands on it, almost as if its suggested magical properties affected my decision to read it. The story is a mix of fantasy, history and advanced alchemy. The plots, (yes, there are about three, or maybe It’s one big plot) are so compelling…

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