Out with the old, in with the new

I like old. Old movies, old books, vintage clothing, up-cycled jewelry. I like Colin Firth. He’s not old. He’s in a new film, um, that sounds like a post. It is, but that’s for later. When I say in with the new, I don’t mean a new couch, new clothes or new resolutions.  I’ve stuck…

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Book Review: Bridget Jones – Mad about the Boy by Helen Fielding

I watched Bridget Jones – The Edge of Reason last night. I could watch it many times over, a  bit like Pride and Prejudice, that one. I needed to see that proposal one more time, particularly since things/dynamics have changed in this new book. That last kiss – one that gave us hope of things…

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The world according to my little girl

My little-est has boundless energy, twinkles galore and mischief in her eyes. She sings and bounces all day long. She has opinions, good taste( currently planning a Christmas party with themes in black and white or red and green) and um, well, more opinions with a little delegating involved, especially when it comes to me…

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Looking Back

I’ve turned 40( yes, a big number, but really, how big is it?). I am 40 and two days old actually, and um, it isn’t all that great, well, not yet anyway – er, I suppose I haven’t been 40 all that long. Besides, it hasn’t felt like much of a celebration because the entire week…

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An important conversation between 7 year old friends…

When my blog friend Monica Medina of Monica’s Tangled Web asked me if I would like to join other bloggers and contribute a post, or many, sharing my observations and bringing my voice, towards a PBS Race 2012 project, I was happy to say yes. PBS will air a documentary about race, color and its impact on the…

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