Are we crossing too many boundaries in this race?

I am completely overdue, we are two days away from the elections and I just got my post together. While some are voting early, others are facing voting restrictions and long lines in Florida, due to the elimination of Sunday voting before the elections and a Republican law that effectively shortens early voting from fourteen days to…

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What Does Freedom Mean to you?

 The Vice Presidential debate is over, the build up, the hype, the analysis and post analysis, it is all done. In a few days, the Presidential town hall debate will take place. I expect there will be the usual polls, with pundits claiming they know exactly what happened; who was right, who was wrong. I…

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Trying to Find Common Ground…

As I officially prepare to post, rather nervously so, for I am mindful that I have never done this before, I wonder how much I actually understand and if I’m even getting my facts straight. As always, I tend to lean toward humor to keep things in perspective. I try not to let the analyzing…

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You Tell them Whoopi…

After President and Mrs Obama made an appearance on the View, two days ago.  An “overly concerned” Fox reporter called the ladies of the View “bitties,” – you can look up the word in the dictionary, it is slang, not respectable, not kind, and just plain rude.  But then again what do I know, I…

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An important conversation between 7 year old friends…

When my blog friend Monica Medina of Monica’s Tangled Web asked me if I would like to join other bloggers and contribute a post, or many, sharing my observations and bringing my voice, towards a PBS Race 2012 project, I was happy to say yes. PBS will air a documentary about race, color and its impact on the…

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