Book Review – Longbourn By Jo Baker

Longbourn is all a flutter, Netherfield has a new master, a ball is to be had and the Bennet girls are beyond excited as they prepare to be at one of society’s most elegant events. Mrs Bennet who finds it insufferable that her daughters aren’t married, makes procuring a husband  at this event her sole…

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Book Review: Project Darcy By Jane Odiwe

cover photo provided by Jane Odiwe Author Jane Odiwe’s latest novel Project Darcy is a beautifully written story inspired by Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Exquisite imagery accompanied by an intriguing tale of a modern-day heroine and her travels into the past, embodying the life of Jane Austen in the Winter of 1796, gives the…

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Ode to Jane Austen – Celebrating 200 years of Pride and Prejudice

“It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife” – Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice, Chapter One. So begins Jane Austen’s brilliant novel, perfectly cast, with sharp wit and characters we all love, loathe and know, even in our own lives….

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Book Review: Searching For Captain Wentworth By Jane Odiwe

   It’s no secret I love Jane Austen. I began to read her books at a very young age. Pride and Prejudice was my first. I developed a relationship with Lizzie Bennet almost immediately – I think every young girl did. I identified with her- out of the box but within the realm of what…

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Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier

What a well written book this was. I had not heard of the author until I read this wonderful book. Most of you know I am a wee bit obsessed with Colin Firth, er.. you’ll see where I’m going with this.. The author of this particular book also wrote ‘The Girl With The Pearl Earring’…

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I read when books call out to me….

I am so  obsessed with books, that the smell of  a fresh story, new characters and the beckoning of brilliant story telling makes me want to escape into the pages of a good book any time of the day. I thought I should re-create my book list with posts instead of  a page, where  I could…

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Mummy Loved Colin Firth on Morning Television…..

Dear Colin Firth, Colin, Mr Firth , well okay!! Colin, I watched you with great pride( in the manner of a loyal and devoted mummy fan) this morning on the Today Show and on ‘Live with Regis and Kelly.’  It was too early, even I could see that, but you were incredibly gracious and humorous, all…

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